
We think the initiative is good!

No suitable role for you at the moment?

No problem – just send us your idea of what you would like to bring to us, your CV and your salary expectations.
We’ll be happy to take a look and get back to you. Let’s get to know each other! Let’s get to know each other! Let’s get to know each other!

What advantages you have when
you come on board with us.



Further development

Further development

Well-known brands

Well-known brands

Structured & holistic

Structured & holistic

Ownership for tasks

Ownership for tasks



Shore leave

Shore leave

Hybrid working

Hybrid working

I am your contact person.

Anne Kukereit | People & Culture


Useful information for applicants.

  • Anne gets in touch with you and plans an initial meeting with her and another person from the team, usually the team leader.
  • You will be given a task with the aim of gaining a better understanding of your approach and how you think.
  • You present your thoughts on the task & get to know other people from the team.
  • We will get back to you with feedback.
  • If everything fits for you and for us, you’ll start very soon

Let’s just chat, we’ll find out quickly together. We would like to get to know you, we will see what happens next.

We speak German and English and individual colleagues also bring other languages to the team.

We work two days at the agency and three days remotely. We do this because we are sure that seeing each other in person is good for our professional development and our collaboration. Because it creates trust and psychological security. But we also value remote work immensely because it gives us room for deep work, compatibility and freedom.

Überzeugende Qualität

Wir setzen auf Vielfalt und eine wertschätzende Arbeitskultur. Diese Auszeichnungen spiegeln unseren Anspruch wider, ein Arbeitgeber mit Mehrwert zu sein.

charter of diversity