Services & Products

Strategic consulting.

Strategic consulting for e-commerce platforms.

Seit 1999 unterstützen wir Unternehmen mit einem klaren Blick für Chancen und einer lösungsorientierten Herangehensweise. Unsere Stärke liegt darin, kreative Ideen mit einem fundierten, analytischen Ansatz zu verbinden. Dabei entwickeln wir Lösungen, die nicht nur die Nutzer:innen begeistern, sondern auch technisch umsetzbar sind und echten Mehrwert bieten.

Unser Fokus liegt auf den digitalen Kanälen wie Webseiten, Webshops und Newslettern. Hier setzen wir an, um den langfristigen Erfolg im E-Commerce zu steigern. Ob bei der Optimierung bestehender Plattformen oder der Entwicklung neuer Konzepte, wir sorgen dafür, dass die digitale Strategie aufgeht. Auch ohne detailliertes Briefing erkennen wir proaktiv die relevanten Handlungsfelder und packen diese gezielt an.

Business, User, Technologie, Brand

Measures in strategic consulting.

In our website audits, we comprehensively evaluate store and web presences. Using clearly defined criteria from the areas of UX, sales, SEO and technology, we uncover weaknesses and offer concrete suggestions for optimization. The result? Quick-win potentials and strategic approaches that sustainably strengthen the brand and sales strategy. The audits are also a good opportunity to get to know our precise and practical way of working.
Our collaboration begins with a strategic workshop that focuses on the company’s goals. Based on this, we develop a suitable strategy board that defines clear priorities for the e-commerce platform and its processes. Together, we identify potential and uncover areas for optimization. The workshop offers a targeted view of the company and takes into account both customer requirements and the competition. This results in measures that support short, medium and long-term optimization. Our goal? To increase sales, reduce costs and build long-term relationships with users. The strategy boards are usually created during a two-day workshop.
There are many good ideas, but it’s the realisation that counts. During implementation planning, we thoroughly analyse which ideas offer the greatest added value. We take into account business value, technical effort, benefits for customers and flexibility. We also ensure that the customer journey and data flow within the systems function optimally. Our aim is to bring a minimum viable product (MVP) live as quickly as possible in order to collect valuable data at an early stage. In some cases, we also examine the possibility of a Minimum Learnable Product, which aims to specifically promote knowledge within the company. Our digital strategy is always aligned with the company’s vision and mission to ensure long-term success and create real added value.
I look forward to your enquiry.

Tobias Kaiser | Strategic Director and Managing Director


Reaching the goal across teams.

Our projects.

Our projects.

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